Thursday 14 August 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #270 Offer a Helping Hand

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #270 Offer a Helping Hand

Whenever you see someone in need, offer a helping hand. If there is a special charity event or environmental day, offer a helping hand. Sometimes people don’t know how to ask for help, which leaves it up to us to be mindful of others and think about how they might need assistance. Do you have an elderly neighbour who struggles to keep their garden tidy or do the grocery shopping? Help them out. Join others who are trying to help the environment through replanting programs or clean up days and be part of the action. If you’re not busy at work, offer to help a colleague with their workload. Help your local school with fundraising events.  There are lots of ways to help out if we open our eyes and look for the opportunity. And the best way to offer a helping hand is to do something for a stranger, without any fanfare or reward, just the good feeling you’ll get inside when you do something nice for a fellow human being.

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