Tuesday 12 August 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #268 Unplug the Laptop

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #268 Unplug the Laptop

It’s very easy to plug in the laptop to recharge it, walk away and forget it, but it only takes a while to recharge and it’s done – there’s no need to leave it plugged in. Once the battery is full of energy it can’t be loaded with any more energy, so the electricity that is still going through the system is leaking energy, and whilst it may be minimal, every bit of it adds up over time. Unplug the laptop when it has completed recharging and save electricity. 
The research I’ve done on the internet is interesting in that some people claim the amount of leakage/waste energy is so minimal it’s not worth worrying about. But here’s my take: even if it’s worth barely one cent per day, multiply that by the number of appliances in your home leaking energy, multiply that by 365 days in the year and see what figure you come up with (conservative figure = 5 appliances = $18.25 per year). Now take that and multiply it by the number of households in your country. One million households would be wasting $18,250,000.00 per year. Remember this is in unused electricity. And I’m only talking about dollars – how about the wasted use of fossil fuels? So if you think your one cent a day is not worth worrying about, think again.
Don’t be lazy. Save the world. Unplug your laptop.

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