Thursday 1 May 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #181 Avoid Hoarding

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #181 Avoid Hoarding

Judging by the number of television shows based on the issue of hoarding it would appear this has become quite an issue for modern society. I know that in my own lifetime we have come to own a lot more stuff. I’d suggest that’s the right word for it too – stuff. Just things. Possessions. We should be careful about what or who is doing the possessing – do you own your things or do your possessions own you?
Having lots of stuff can be a way of avoiding the real issues that haunt us. We may be covering up a desperate feeling of being unloved, or an immense feeling of loss after a loved one has died. We may be trying to keep up with the Joneses and didn’t notice when things got out of hand. Whatever the root cause of the problem is, it is important to seek professional help.
For those of us who do not think we have a hoarding problem, or who know we definitely don’t, it is important not to fall into a way of hoarding in the future. Hoarding not only becomes an issue for the hoarder and their family in the short term as people live in difficult or even unacceptable circumstances, there is also a second generation problem, which is that once a hoarder is deceased, someone has to take over the situation and deal with the hoard. Usually all the stuff will be taken to landfill and this has even more knock-on effects that are detrimental to the planet. Hoarding leads to landfill, carbon emissions, financial cost, wasted natural resources and environmental destruction.
Take a good look around you. The best solution is to avoid hoarding in the first place.

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