Friday 9 May 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #189 Support Local Farms

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #189 Support Local Farms

Certainly in Australia farmers are doing it very tough for a multitude of reasons. Perhaps they are doing it tough in other countries too. What better way to help them than by supporting them. Many farmers are selling direct now, either through local markets, road-side stalls or farm shops. We can support them by purchasing their produce whenever possible. By putting our dollar in the hands of local farmers we support our fellow man/woman by allowing them to make a living, creating better relationships between producers and end-users, keeping our cash within the local community, instilling a sense of purpose and value in those that produce the food we eat and promoting dignity and pride within farmers and their families.
When supporting local farms we are able to build relationships within our community, we know exactly where our food is coming from and we reduce food miles. The planet benefits from all of this because it creates happier, healthier people, uses less fuel in transporting goods, uses less packaging which reduces landfill, and ensures that those who actually care for the land remain on it to continue looking after it the way only they know how.

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