Thursday 29 May 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #208 Turn Off Your Computer

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #208 Turn Off Your Computer

Here’s a way to reduce your computer’s electricity usage by half – turn it off at the end of the day. Even persistent gamers have to sleep now and then, so turning the computer off at the end of play will help reduce the electricity bill. Many of us have become so used to the convenience of leaving a computer on all the time for access at the drop of a hat. We could plan our computer usage by only turning it on when we actually have a task to perform, and scheduling a single point in the day for checking email (after all, did you ever run out to your letterbox every half hour when snail mail was the norm?). This would free up our time and make us less like slaves to the computer. We could utilise this extra time to do those wonderful things we ‘never have time’ for. Maybe we would even spend more time with our loved ones doing family activities that are fun.
The environmental benefits to turning off your computer are the reduced use of energy, less in transportation costs delivering the energy, less carbon emissions, less fossil fuels being mined and then the personal benefit of lower energy bills. Lots of ‘wins’ with this one.

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