Tuesday 6 May 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #186 Demand Sustainable Architecture

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #186 Demand Sustainable Architecture

With population constantly on the increase, building new homes is a commonplace activity in my area. What is difficult to watch is the slap-dash way in which homes are being built, with the obvious focus being on price and profits rather than sustainable architecture and healthy living environments. Every time a building is planned it is an opportunity for using our ‘smarts’ – we have a lot of knowledge and skills available to us to be able to build the right type of buildings, in the right way, using the right materials and providing the best living conditions, now. So why aren’t we doing this? Why are all these buildings being thrown together without any consideration of the environment?
Architecture can and should consider the environment in which it will sit. Orientation of a building can be designed to make use of the sun for natural, passive light and heat as well as for best positioning of solar panels. The materials used in construction can be sustainable if we choose those that are easily grown, such as wood, bamboo or straw bales. Recycled materials make another good option. Wool insulation is sustainable. Roofing can be designed for efficient water catchment to improve sustainable living. Having some land available for growing food contributes to sustainable living.
Sustainability is about ensuring we manage our resources in a way that ensures we do not inhibit opportunities for future generations. Sustainable architecture is a major opportunity for us to do this.

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