Wednesday 16 September 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #609 Become a Bottle Free Town

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #609 Become a Bottle Free Town

In Flower #608 Demand Free Public Water the idea was to assist those people who have already decided to avoid plastic bottles, and their dire consequences to the planet, by carrying a water bottle with them wherever they go and refilling it throughout the day. One special town in Australia has gone the whole yard by tackling the plastic bottle problem head-on. Bundanoon in New South Wales decided to ban single-use plastic bottled water completely, instead offering reusable bottles for purchase and installing water refill stations around the town and at the school. This idea was the result of people standing by their convictions. They did not want a corporation to come into their area to extract local water resources, so it was the next step to reject the end product of that type of water extraction i.e. bottled water. The town functions very well without bottled water, and everyone has access to good quality drinking water. Bundanoon is the world’s first bottled water free town.
This is the perfect example to show that it can be done. It requires some conviction and some organisation from everyone in the area, but that’s how change happens – the voice of the people makes the difference. The voice of the people has created revolutions in the past. Saving the planet from our own destructive vices also comes from the voice of the people. Think about starting an action in your own area and becoming a bottle free town.

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