Thursday 10 September 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #604 Give a Bag Away

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #604 Give a Bag Away

Plastic bags are such a bad thing for the environment and are breaking down out there, leaving tiny, tiny pieces of plastic everywhere, to be consumed by animals and marine life – and therefore come back to us in the food chain. If you’re already doing it better by taking your own reusable bags to the supermarket (and every other shop you go into), then take this one step further. The next time you’re standing in a queue and notice the person behind you doesn’t have reusable bags, then give them one of yours. It’s a way of starting a brief conversation about helping the planet and the person receiving your gift may be encouraged to start doing things to make a difference too. The more people doing things ‘better’, the more likely we are of making the future of the planet much brighter.

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