Wednesday 9 September 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #603 Brew Your Own Soft Drink / Soda

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #603 Brew Your Own Soft Drink / Soda

Instead of buying plastic bottles filled with sugary drinks, make your own at home. There are lots of recipes on the Internet to guide you through the process of making your own soft drink (USA soda). By making your own at home you will be completely aware of what ingredients go into the drink and you can use 100% recyclable glass bottles, which won’t leach anything into your drink. You will be keeping a lot of plastic out of landfill and the environment, and perhaps because you put effort into making it yourself, you’ll drink a little less of the sugary stuff and cherish it as a treat, helping you reduce your waistline and improve your health. You’ll save money too.

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