Wednesday 2 September 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #596 Buy Threads on Wooden Reels

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #596 Buy Threads on Wooden Reels

If you sew then you will know how cotton and polyester thread comes on little plastic reels. When you run out of thread there’s a piece of plastic to throw in the bin/trash, which adds to landfill and puts more plastic out there in the environment.
Fortunately there is good news. At you can purchase thread on wooden reels, and because they are made from a natural resource they will break down in the environment, unless you are able to find another use for them. My thinking is that they should be returned to the factory to be wound with a new length of thread – that would be recycling at its best. But the good news doesn’t stop there. The threads are also organic – organic cotton that doesn’t harm the environment, unlike its counterpart, which is responsible for about 25% of the world’s chemicals used for crop growth.
Check out this excellent site for all kinds of environmentally friendly products and support businesses that do their best for the planet.

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