Saturday, 5 September 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #598 Buy Eco Fabrics

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #598 Buy Eco Fabrics

Just as Peace Silk (Flower #597) is one eco fabric, being a natural fibre, other fabrics are available that are better for the environment than others. The natural fibres are silk, cotton, linen, wool, alpaca, cashmere, and hemp, and by now there have been enough Flower suggestions to show that not everything is at it seems i.e. cotton is responsible for 25% of the worlds chemicals used in production, making it really important to choose organic cotton. Reread Flowers #241 Buy Organic Cotton T-Shirts, #581 Rethink Cashmere, #582 Choose Alpaca, #329 Wear Natural Fibres and #536 Buy Green Jeans to be reminded of the costs to the environment for some of the clothes we wear. Many people are unaware that microfiber is actually made from plastic. Furthermore, every time you wash nylon, polyester and microfiber clothing, tiny, tiny balls of plastic are washed away with the rinse water, into the water systems where they are consumed by fish – then come back to you when you eat seafood.
More people are learning how to sew, to make their own clothes for the satisfaction of being self-sufficient, using creative talent, saving money during challenging economic times, and to be able to wear something more unique. This Flower suggestion is to choose fabrics that have less impact on the planet – those that are grown sustainably, avoid animal cruelty, don’t use chemicals, are not made of plastic and which ultimately feel great to wear.

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