Saturday 28 March 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #485 Take a Cooking Class

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #485 Take a Cooking Class

Despite all the cooking shows on television – and there are whole channels devoted to food – many of us are quite useless in the kitchen. The old ways of relying solely on self, cooking every meal, preparing every school lunch and ensuring the whole family sat and ate breakfast seem to have gone out the window. There was a time when the average family rarely bought a take-away meal and only went to restaurants for special occasions. Now we all race around with our self-importance, grab snacks on the run, skip meals and use our busy schedule as the excuse for buying take-away meals.
Often the problem is more to do with a lack of ability to cook. Maybe it’s time to take some cooking lessons and get familiar with the basics. This will allow you to produce easy, healthy meals for your family, with much more confidence. Knowledge is powerful, so learning the basic skills for cooking will increase your confidence in the kitchen. You will be able to write a better menu plan and shopping list, save lots of money by cooking at home, save time because buying takeaway actually isn’t a time saver, and you’ll do the planet a whole lot of good. Home cooked meals reduce packaging and food waste, meaning less going to landfill. It is a better use of resources, saves water and energy in the production of food, and gives you the power to look after your own health and that of your family. You never know – cooking classes may be the beginning of a whole new passion.

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