Tuesday 24 March 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #481 Avoid Single-Use Products

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #481 Avoid Single-Use Products

Single use products are an incredibly wasteful use of earth’s valuable resources. Flower #64 already suggested Avoid Single Use Plastic. In trying to put together a list of single use products that were NOT made of plastic, I struck a difficulty. Most single use products are made from plastic. But here’s a short list I was able to compile: paper napkins; foil baking trays; paper coffee filters; wet wipes; wooden stirring sticks; paper plates; tissues; batteries; vacuum cleaner bags; chopsticks. You’ll notice most of these are made from wood/paper. Perhaps you can think of more and let me know in the comments section.
If we are to reduce our waste and the amount we send to landfill, we need to stop using single-use products. Become conscious of them as you use them and think of a different way to go about that task. Replace paper napkins with cloth ones, disposable chopsticks with a beautiful pair of permanent use chopsticks, or use a plunger instead of coffee filters. There’s always a different way to do things, so make this one of your daily challenges and make a big difference to the planet.

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