Monday 9 March 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #466 Join a Food Co-Op

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #466 Join a Food Co-Op

Food co-ops have been around for a long time. They have developed because people in the city have desired to ensure they get their food from locally grown sources, thereby supporting farmers in their own country. This way the farmer can get a better price for his produce and the consumer can enjoy financial savings by purchasing at a cheaper price. The planet benefits because the co-ops activity reduces the amount of packaging used and there are far less food miles involved, saving energy and fuel. An added benefit to the co-op is the creation of a close-knit community as people get to know each other through cooperation in organising and distributing foods. Often the food is organic, which gives health benefits to both the consumers and the earth by keeping chemicals out of our systems. So there are several benefits to both humans and the planet if you can organise yourself well enough to join a co-op. Check one out in your area.

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