Monday 24 November 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #363 Reduce Your Cat's Litter

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #363 Reduce Your Cat's Litter

Car litter is a big problem, and unfortunately, one we can’t solve easily. Flower #242 has shown how choosing an environmentally friendly cat litter is difficult, so let’s look at reducing our impact. Working with USA statistics, which are easy to find on the Internet, the Americans buy about 4 billion pounds of cat litter every year. If the quantity of cat litter used was reduced by 10% there would be 400 million pounds less cat litter going into landfill every year (just in the US). Some cat owners would be able to reduce this by up to 50%. So imagine the savings if everyone around the world did this. It would be a huge reduction in pressure on the planet.
How do you do this? Some people fill their litter trays almost to the top. This is not necessary, particularly for one cat. When you reduce the amount of litter in the tray it is easier to find the waste that needs to be removed and you may even be encouraged to remove it more often. This will reduce the build up of odours, which are undesirable. Kitty may not like you changing the tray level dramatically, so take it easy and reduce it in small increments each time you clean it out and allow kitty time to adjust to the change. Eventually you will both come to an agreement as to the optimal level of litter, and you’ll have the added benefit of making a huge difference to the planet.

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