Monday 10 November 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #349 Make Your Own Furniture

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #349 Make Your Own Furniture

This Flower suggestion tugs at my heart strings a bit because I had a great-aunt who lived a difficult life and was compelled to make all her own furniture (during the mid 20th century). I admired her for her tenacity and strength of character, but I also felt sad that she could never buy anything new. She was an amazing woman. What she did for herself, we can all do, not only for ourselves but for the sake of our planet. We may not have to make every piece of furniture we need but it could be fun, even a family project, to put something together with one’s own hands and be able to say, “I made that.” Find things already lying around the house and garden that could be put together and given a second life. Broken crockery could be used to make a mosaic table top for the garden, with bits of wood or steel for the base. You could have fun pottering through your local second hand dealers for bits and piece too.
It’s also okay to buy new materials because this gives you the chance to make informed choices, such as sourcing FSC timber or locally produced metals, products made in your own country from local resources, or simply supporting local businesses. You may find you enjoy the process of building an item of furniture and that it is a lot cheaper than buying one already made. Your choices can make a big difference to the environmental footprint of your piece of furniture: reduced travel miles for resources and materials, a consequent reduction in fuel usage, less carbon emissions, and support for local industry and business. You may even find yourself a new hobby.

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