Sunday 24 November 2013

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #49 Reject Consumerism

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #49 Reject Consumerism

Every time I walk into a shopping centre/mall, all I can see is LANDFILL EVERYWHERE. I think about how much stuff is being purchased and taken to homes that already have so much stuff, and it will be hoarded, or used briefly before being tossed 'away' (that place we now know is called landfill), or worse, not even used at all before being tossed into landfill. MOST stuff people buy is not needed, yet whole economies are built on the idea of supply and demand - manufacture, purchase, toss away. The more people toss, the more manufacturers can sell, the bigger the profits, the bigger the corporations, bigger, bigger, more more more more ....
Can't you hear the balloon bursting?!!
We, the people of this planet, need to shift our focus. It needs to move from 'having' to 'giving'. We need to create workforces that concentrate on cleaning up the mess we've made. There IS enough for everyone, but it's enough of stuff we need, not of stuff we don't need. Let's reject consumerism and start a new movement. Let's begin 'planetism'.

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