Saturday, 9 November 2013

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #35 Consider Urban Run-Off

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #35 Consider Urban Run-Off

Urban run-off is a major and multi-faceted issue that I cannot condense well into one paragraph. There are many contributing factors. Wherever we build roads, lay concrete, cover the natural surface of the earth, we create areas that collect pollutants such as oils, heavy metals and rubbish that will then be carried away by rainwater or flooding to storm water drains and then into water systems. The poisons we use in the garden, pesticides, fertilisers etc, are washed through the soil and can then make their way into water systems. In our water systems are the fish that we eat, which cannot help but ingest all these pollutants. We pollute the waterways by urban run-off, where thereby pollute ourselves. This is over-simplified, so you’ll need to research this more for yourself.
I’m asking you to ‘consider’ what urban run-off is, think about how you yourself contribute to it and decide what actions you can take to reduce your personal impact.

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