Monday 11 November 2013

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #37 Pick Up Rubbish

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #37 Pick Up Rubbish

Rubbish, trash, waste, mess, refuse, debris, litter, junk, garbage – whatever you want to call it, if you see it lying around, pick it up. Anything littering your home, yard, street, neighbourhood, town or country needs to be dealt with. Don’t leave it for somebody else to deal with. Just pick it up. Dispose of it appropriately. If it can be recycled, put it in a recycling bin. If it can be composted, put it in a compost bin. If there’s no choice, put it in a rubbish/trash bin.
If you leave rubbish lying around outside then it will find its way into the storm water drains and therefore into our water systems where it will clog up the waterways, kill and/or harm fish and sea creatures, birds, wildlife and ultimately ... us.
So just pick it up.

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