Wednesday 14 October 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #637 Adopt a Hive

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #637 Adopt a Hive

Worldwide, there is a bee crisis! Bee populations are in serious decline, and if this trend continues then we could all end up suffering the consequences of a world food shortage.  Everywhere, species are being sent to extinction. We need to turn this around and every person has the power to play his or her part. These Flower suggestions were started because of declining bee populations with Flower #1 being Care for Bees, then there has been Flower #99 Plant for Bees and Flower #202 Put Up a Bumblebee House. If you think you can’t help because you don’t have a garden, think again! Adopt a hive. Check out for all the information about adopting a hive in Australia, and if you live in another country, search the Internet for your own programs and share the information around. When you adopt a hive you support apiarists, help younger beekeepers learn their trade, and of course, help sustain bee populations by giving them safe places to live. It’s vital that we keep bees from extinction by supporting them in every way we can. Take an interest in your own welfare by adopting a hive and spreading the word.

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