Monday 12 October 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #635 Avoid Chinchilla

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #635 Avoid Chinchilla

Chinchillas are beautiful little furry creatures that have been trapped for their magnificent soft fur ever since ancient times, but they are being sent into extinction. The fur of the chinchilla is extremely soft and dense, making it a valuable commodity commercially, but the textile world will be the end of the species unless people avoid any items made from chinchilla fur. Apart from the threat produced by the textile industry, mankind is also encroaching on the habitat of these creatures in the wild, contributing further to their plight.  Sadly, because they are so cute and incredibly wonderful to touch, people are keeping them as pets, which only adds to the depletion of their numbers in the wild. Let’s keep these creatures as part of the ecosystem and let them live in peace where they are meant be – in the wild.

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