Wednesday 29 October 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #337 Laugh

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #337 Laugh

After the intensity of yesterday’s Flower it’s time for a fun approach to helping the plant – through laughter. Laughing makes us feel good. It’s something we all enjoy doing. Some people even choose to earn their living by making other people laugh. What a great job! There are even ‘laughter classes’ at local community houses where people get together for a big laughter session. That’s hilarious!
When we laugh we feel good, and when we feel good we have a positive attitude, we are better behaved and we treat each other more kindly. This can only be a good thing. Once we start treating each other better we can generate a society that cares for and about itself, and this caring will extend to the environment in which we live. Once we care about what we’re doing to each other and the planet, we can begin to fix things. Laughter has that much power.

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