Sunday 19 October 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #329 Wear Natural Fibres

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #329 Wear Natural Fibres

Natural fibres used in the manufacture of clothing are: wool, cotton, linen, silk, angora, alpaca, camel hair, cashmere and mohair. Before going any further, wearing natural fibres for the sake of the planet is one aim, but taking care of the animals that provide the fibres is of utmost importance too. Always ensure any garment you wear has come from humane conditions for the animals concerned and that animal rights are strictly and vehemently adhered to. Refer also to Flowers 50, 90, 287 and 291.
Natural fibres, in the first instance, are renewable resources, making them sustainable. Raising the animals or crops required for fibre production provides jobs, creates income for families and contributes to the economy. Managed well, their sustainability makes them the best option for the health of the planet. The fabrics produced from natural fibres breathe better, making them healthier to wear, particularly next to the skin. These days, new techniques in manufacturing can produce pure wool cloth that is finer and has more drape than ever before, making it a versatile product for many applications – and it can even go in the washing machine.
A word of caution about cotton: Whilst this is a natural fibre, unfortunately cotton crops use more chemicals than any other crop in the world, making cotton a highly polluting product. When buying cotton, insist on organically grown cotton and push for change so that one day soon we’ll see a time when that wonderful product, cotton, is an asset to the world instead of a health risk.

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