Monday 20 October 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #330 Buy Eco Fashion

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #330 Buy Eco Fashion

The fashion industry is one of the highest polluting industries on the planet. The good news is that there are a number of brands that are supplying eco fashion for a world on the cusp of changing its way of thinking. With these eco brands you can purchase garments that have one or several considerations for the welfare of the planet and its inhabitants:
Eco fashion should be made from organic and sustainable fabrics (see also Flower #329). Animals that provide the fibres for our fabrics must be well cared for and maintain the full range of animal rights. The closer the fabrics are produced to the source of the fibres, the better. This reduces travel miles, which use lots of fossil fuels and produce carbon emissions, which create the greenhouse effect. Garments should be made as close as possible to the point of fabric production, again reducing travel miles. Production of fibres, fabric and garments should be fair trade, wherein all workers are given full rights to healthy and safe working conditions, bargaining power, reasonable working hours and fair wages. Using natural dyes is another consideration.
Your eco fashion store will also consider labels and packaging, keep plastic use to a minimum or zero altogether, and offer quality garments that will last a long time, not just a season. Some may even choose to use recycled fabrics, which is another great way of reducing waste and landfill. The full life cycle of the clothing should be considered, so when you’re done with your eco garments, recycle them.
It’s not quite as simple as just buying organic cotton. There’s a lot to think about on this one, but one step at a time we can improve the way things are done. Check out some Aussie options at or or search the Internet for what’s available in your corner of the planet.

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