Wednesday 23 April 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - # 175 Donate Unused Paint

1000 Flowers for the Planet - # 175 Donate Unused Paint

It’s fairly rare to use up every drop of paint in the tin. Consequently many of us have a few tins lurking in the shed ‘just in case’ we need to touch up a mark on the wall. But paint doesn’t last forever. Eventually it hardens and is of no use to anyone. For those times when you do need to touch up an area, put aside a small quantity of paint in a glass jar and store somewhere cool. As for the rest, consider donating your paint to someone else. There may be a charity that would like to freshen up their premises: the local football clubhouse, the Senior Citizens Centre, a Community Centre, Not for Profit organisation or Child Care centre. Maybe the Salvation Army would like donated paint to freshen the home of someone in need. Maybe a nursing home would like to brighten some rooms, even if it’s just a feature wall to lift the spirits of the elderly living there.
An idea a little more left of centre, and for those in contact with the art world, donate your paint to an artist. Who knows what masterpieces may come of it?

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