Thursday 3 April 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet- #165 Keep Indoor Plants

1000 Flowers for the Planet- #165 Keep Indoor Plants

Apart from looking attractive, indoor plants offer quite a few environmental benefits that we probably overlook. One of the most important is that they improve air quality. This alone leads to lots of other benefits by improving the well-being of people, reducing illness and helping to lower stress levels and negative feelings. In workplaces this will further improve productivity. People will feel less tired from the effects of carbon dioxide (what we breathe out) because the plants will counter-balance the CO2. Higher productivity improves the bottom line for the business and makes the boss happy. Less illness will lead to fewer days off work, further improving the happiness of the boss (so much happiness!!). They also help control humidity to within the optimum range for human health. When humidity is too low we are more likely to develop viral infections. If it is too high we’re vulnerable to other diseases.
All of this from a few pretty plants.

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