Monday 3 March 2014

Healthy Apples??

Here are three apples I put aside in a bowl in the kitchen - three months ago!! They have only recently begun to wrinkle. They were purchased from my local grocer and were grown in my own country, but I wanted to see how long they would last, to see what type of food I was eating. I should have bought an organic apple at the same time to compare the results.
Even when they were cut open they looked fine. I could probably have cut off the skin and stewed the apples, but refrained - they went into my biofermenter.


Unknown said...

Tell us about your biofermenter? Is it something like a compost bin (or another name for it)?

Margaret A. Rowe said...

Hey Sue, you can read about biofermenters at Flower #116. We're finding our way with ours, but generally it's really good.

Unknown said...

Thanks hon, I forgot about that one (having read it at the time it was posted!). Gone back & re-read it - sounds ideal in that you can put in all the stuff you wouldn't put in a worm farm or compost heap - meat, bones, oil etc. Good call! :)