Friday 21 March 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #154 Sow Heritage Seeds

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #154 Sow Heritage Seeds

Heritage seeds, or heirloom seeds, are the seeds of plants that have not been genetically modified or engineered in any way. They’ve been passed down through generations of farmers and gardeners who have preserved these seeds for the future.
Multinational companies have been interfering with plant production for generations now, selling farmers and home growers seeds which will only grow one crop. Any seeds gathered from these first generation crops will not produce another crop, hence the farmers must return to the multinationals to buy more seed. The multinationals are less interested in food production than they are in gross profits – and power.
We, the people, do have the power to stop this. We can return to Mother Earth and grow plants and crops from heirloom/heritage seeds that are designed by nature to continue the healthy circle of life. Here in Australia we have The Diggers Club which has been working tirelessly for over twenty years to ensure heirloom seeds never disappear. Support healthy living by sowing heritage seeds.

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