Sunday 16 March 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #149 Turn Off Your Mouse

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #149 Turn Off Your Mouse

Here’s a very simple, easy to do, minor action that can help make a difference. Turn of your mouse – the computer kind of course. Turn your mouse over and check. You’ll find an on/off button. So many of us use a wireless mouse these days, and batteries that need replacing now and then power them. You can almost double the life of the batteries by turning off the mouse when you are not using it. For some this may be overnight, for others more diligent the mouse can easily be switched off every time you walk away from the computer. It’s a matter of habit. Ultimately, extending battery life means reducing the number of batteries put into landfill, where they leak dangerous toxins; or slowing down the number needing to be recycled. It also saves you money.

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