Saturday 28 December 2013

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #80 Buy Laundry Powder in a Box

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #80 Buy Laundry Powder in a Box

It’s all well and good to recycle whenever you can, and buying laundry liquid in a plastic bottle seems okay if you pop it into the recycling bin in the end, but the false economy comes in buying the refills which try to make you feel better by advertising that they produce less landfill.
The aim is to not produce landfill at all, so when I looked into buying phosphate-free detergent for my laundry (per Flower #61) I found a product that came in a cardboard box. When it’s empty I can put it in the recycling without worrying whether or not it can actually be recycled at my local plant.

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