Thursday 12 December 2013

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #66 Take Tongs to the Butcher

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #66 Take Tongs to the Butcher

Also take your own freezer containers.
Meat is a huge user of plastics. If you buy it at the supermarket it comes with polystyrene trays, those soppy tings that soak up the blood and is wrapped in soft plastic. If you go to the butcher you still get the meat in a plastic bag before it’s wrapped in paper.
A while ago I tried to get plastic free meat from the butcher by asking him to put the meat directly into my own freezer containers that I took along. To my horror I noticed that he used a plastic bag to pick up the meat before putting it into the container, and worse, he used a new bag for each different type of meat I requested. It completely defeated the purpose.
The trick to this is to take your own tongs along to the butcher and ask him to use those to put all your meat purchases into their respective freezer containers. Job done – plastic free.

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