Saturday 19 March 2011

Super Moon in Melbourne

Listening to the news this evening I learned that Melbourne would experience a "Super Moon" tonight at dusk. We have not seen this phenomenon at Melbourne in over two decades, when the moon would look much larger than normal. Unfortunately I did not heed the words of our illustrious newsreader, Jennifer Keyte, when she foretold the event would be magnificent as the moon rose over the horizon just after 7:00 pm. I was half an hour too late when I went out to photograph the event. The moon had risen too high for me to see it at its best effect. But here it is between the gum trees at the local primary school a couple of streets away from my home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I didn't hear about it and missed it entirely. My DH told me this morning that the moon was it's closest to earth last night. Thanks for the view!