Sunday, 30 August 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #593 Defend the Sea Lions

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #593 Defend the Sea Lions

This Flower suggestion is prompted by a Sea Shepherd campaign as follows:

“Sea Shepherd’s Sea Lion Defense Campaign on the Columbia River

Up to 368 California sea lions face execution by Oregon and Washington state workers for the crime of eating endangered salmon on the Columbia River near the Bonneville Dam. The states are authorized to kill 92 of the federally protected pinnipeds annually through June 2016. The sea lions will be branded with hot irons, hazed with rubber bullets and explosives, and killed by lethal injection or shotgun for eating less than 4% of the salmon at the dam. All of this mayhem, conducted on the dime of taxpayers, takes place while commercial, sport, and tribal fisheries are allowed to take up to 17% of the same endangered salmon and the dam itself claims approximately 17% of adult salmon.”
Please check out the website to educate yourself and learn how to support people who are fighting for animals rights all across the world.

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