Monday, 17 August 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #580 Avoid Bubble Bath

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #580 Avoid Bubble Bath

There are a couple of good reasons to avoid bubble bath. The first is your health. Bubble bath usually contains all the toxic mix of most items in the bathroom, which are bad for your health, can cause headaches or skin irritations, and some ingredients may even be carcinogenic. You may as well use the detergent for washing up the dishes – it’s practically the same thing and they both produce wonderful amounts of bubbles.
The second reason is that bubble bath comes in a plastic container, which then gets thrown into landfill. It’s one of those things mentioned in Flower #578 Sweat the Small Stuff – it all adds up.
In the end, you pour some chemicals into your bath water with the aim of enjoying lots of bubbles, sit in it for a while soaking all those chemicals into your skin, lose the bubbles as soon as you put the soap in the water, drain all the chemicals down the plug hole into the water system and eventually the environment, then toss a piece of plastic into landfill where it doesn’t break down for hundreds of years or longer, and when it does it becomes part of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch …
Was it worth it?

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