Wednesday 26 August 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #589 Avoid Bath Salts

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #589 Avoid Bath Salts

Bath salts and bath cubes are not particularly menacing products but a little bit of consideration about what their use means for the planet may help you rethink them. In the first instance it means putting a compound of various ingredients into your bath water, which will soon be gurgled down the drain and into the water system where all the ingredients must then be extracted by the water filtration system in your area. This simply adds to the immense concoction of chemicals, biological waste and debris that has to be dealt with, simply for the sake of sitting in fancy smelling water. Furthermore, there has been some concern that lengthy soaks in the tub with commercial bath salts is increasing yeast infections in females delicate areas, so that would be one good reason to avoid them (do some research for yourself or ask your doctor’s advice).
The other reason is the plastic packaging. If you want to live a plastic-free life then this is another way to go about it. Even if the salts come in glass that you may put into the recycling bin, commercial bath salts are still contributing to the use of natural resources and/or fossil resources for very little benefit. If your body is weary and aching then you probably simply need to go to bed early and get a really good night’s rest. If you need to feel like you’re doing something more, buy Epsom salts packaged in a cardboard box and avoid all the added perfumes etc. Your actions will then have much less impact on the planet.

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