Monday 8 September 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #291 Think About Angora

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #291 Think About Angora

Angora is a beautiful and luxuriant fibre that comes from the angora rabbit. It is valued for its softness and warmth and therefore commands very high prices. Sadly, though, obtaining it is a nightmare story for the angora rabbits that provide this prized commodity used in the fashion industry. Clipped fibre commands a good price, but fur that has been pulled from the animal is sold at even greater prices. In China, where 90% of the fibre is produced, there are farms that use the obscene practice of pulling the fibre from live rabbits while the rabbits scream in pain throughout the process. Another method has the rabbits’ paws tied and the animal stretched while the fur is shaved off. The rabbits are kept in small cages and don’t see daylight.
The best way you can help these rabbits is to refuse to buy any product that contains angora. If you cannot make that stance, then think about angora rabbits before you purchase any item containing it, and ask questions about how the fibre was obtained. Think about screaming rabbits before making that purchase. Do we really need angora, and if we do, isn’t there a better way?

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