Friday 5 September 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #288 Use a Soaker Hose

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #288 Use a Soaker Hose

After the seriousness of the last few Flowers, something a little lighter in mood for today: If you cannot afford to install an expensive watering system in your garden or a timer for the tap, try using a soaker hose. They are inexpensive to purchase and waste less water than when you stand in the garden holding the hose, with water going places it doesn’t need to be. A soaker hose allows you to water slowly, ensuring every drop is soaked into the soil where it’s needed. You can also set it up and leave it on for an appropriate length of time while you go off and do other things, saving you time. Financial savings will also be made because less water is wasted. Water is our most valuable resource and needs to be used wisely. Try a soaker hose and do your bit for the planet.

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