Saturday, 21 July 2012

Reflecting Vanity, Art U Wear 2012

At last I can reveal the outfit I made for the 2012 Bernina and Expertise Events Competition, Art U Wear. I decided to enter this competition last November, as a way of kick-starting my creative energies before I began my Textile Art course. As usual, my ideas far exceeded my abilities, and twice a gave up on the project. My daughter took my face in her hands and told me to "Just Finish It". I did. Just in time to take some photos and send them off for the competition.
I expected that to be the last of it. The outfit was packed away, unlikely to come out into the light of day for quite a while. But then I learned I had been chosen as a finalist. I was astonished and proud. I sent the outfit to Sydney for judging, but was not selected for any of the prizes. It doesn't matter, I achieved far more than I expected to achieve. I'm a winner.
Two days ago a Bernina rep told me my outfit was being returned. Only a select few are going to tour the country to all the Craft Shows in the capital cities. That's quite what I expected to happen. My outfit is very difficult to put onto a living person, let alone a mannequin. So I've learned that next year I must consider ease of 'use' when planning an entry.
I'm very proud of what I've achieved, and learned a lot along the way. I hope you enjoy the photos.


Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Art project for school

My, oh my! I can't believe how long it is since I last blogged. Someone told me recently she had missed my blog posts. Hello Sue! I'm back.
Here is my latest stitched piece. It is not the best photograph  - a little dark around the edges despite a light shining on it. Interestingly, in a way that has achieved my aim. The idea was not to use black fabric, even though I wanted a black background. The answer was to use a very deep maroon silk and hand sew seed stitch all over it to darken the look. I think I have achieved that quite well.  The centre has satin stitched droplets done by hand with the lines sewn by machine. The shading was done using an Inktense pencil and a brush to soften it at the edges. That piece and the red satin have been needle turn appliqued in place, but the two pieces of velvet, the deep maroon and white, have been set in place using vliesofix (spelling??). It is not 'meant' to be anything in particular - just pleasing shapes. I hope you like it.