Tuesday 14 July 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #561 Stop Making Excuses

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #561 Stop Making Excuses

I’m too busy. I already do stuff. I concentrate on the ‘big’ issues. I don’t have time to worry about the minutiae.
There are plenty of excuses out there. The biggest one is “it’s too hard”. Well, it will be even harder if we have to endure a future of warmer weather and more volatile weather patterns – oh, wait, we’re already experiencing that. If we let it get worse, there won’t be any room for excuses because we will be forced into action. Let’s pull together today for a better planet. Let’s stop making excuses and focus on every aspect of making this world a clean, healthy, sustainable place for all creatures to live. Excuses are just boring now. Ask yourself some better questions: Why are you too busy? Do you spend your time on things that matter, or do they only matter to you? What kind of legacy are you leaving your children and grandchildren? What is one new action I can take this week that will make a difference? Start with the one new action and make it a habit, then start another new action, and build on it from there. The fact that you’re reading this Flower suggestion already means you care, so take the next step. Question the excuses you make for not participating in the solutions and change your perception. Move in a direction that will create a better future – a more meaningful future – and make a difference

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