Thursday 12 November 2009

Day 68

Here it is, Day 68 and I feel like I'm losing the lot (not the plot). I feel like everything is untangling, like a ball of wool that falls from your lap and races across to the other side of the room at great speed. I've just read someone else's blog who is feeling low and uninspired and wondering why and how, and I can feel empathy with her.

For me it's the demanding nature of this computer. Every morning I sit down to deal with the emails, read through the posts on a chat group, check the emails on my other email address, check Facebook to see what's happening, pop over to a forum where I become completely overwhelmed with all the writing, back to check the blogs I'm following and finally to stop and write my own blog. It's all too much.

Two days ago someone said something a little unpleasant online and that set me off. I was prepared to cancel the whole lot. There are much more interesting and productive things to do with my time than sit at this computer. I could be sewing, researching for books, writing, creating.

Time to decide what my goal is. Time to work out what I want from the computer and how to make it work for me. Time to set myself free.


Snooze said...

Good thoughts. I think I read the same post and it's made me think also about the way I spend my time ... but I like reading everybody's blogs because on the whole they are positive and make me feel good for doing it.

Good luck

Virginia G said...

Mmm... I'm so sorry that you had a troll (nasty person). Don't let them get you down.

Also, secondly, it's taken me a while to get into some sort of groove with the blogging. My best advice is to blog first, and then deal with all the other e-mail/blog/computer related stuff. That way you're still fresh when you sit down to write.

Margaret A. Rowe said...

Sorry I've been away so long. Virginia, you have hit the nail on the head - blog first!! Having re-read my own entry, I am reminded that the computer is my tool, and I should not be a slave to it. Thanks to you both for helping me through. - Marg