Sunday 15 March 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #472 Recycle Your Bicycle

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #472 Recycle Your Bicycle

When you finally realise that your old bicycle has been sitting in the shed for over a decade without having been used once, it’s time to acknowledge that you are probably never going to hop back onto that particular saddle. Time to give it a new home. This may mean one of those Internet searches to find something local, but you’ll find there are people out there doing good things with old bicycles. Some have set up places where people can go to learn bike maintenance to keep them on the road, or refurbish old ones for new owners, particularly disadvantaged children. There are programs that collect bicycles to send to Africa – it can make a huge difference to the life of a person who has to otherwise walk long distances to fetch water, for example. Some bikes are just good for spare parts, so keep it all out of landfill, reuse those valuable resources, find the right place for your old treadly to go, and make it happen.

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