Saturday 14 March 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #471 Recycle CDs and DVDs

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #471 Recycle CDs and DVDs

We all seem to end up with so many CDs and DVDs these days, and sometimes there comes a day when you need to move things along. Instead of putting these items into landfill, think of ways to recycle them. The obvious first option is to recycle perfectly good DVDs and CDs that are still in working order by donating them to a charity shop, where someone else can purchase them and enjoy them. There are also businesses that sell second-hand media who will buy your old CDs and DVDs. For more crafty ideas, search the Internet and you will find quite a lot of suggestions, like cutting them up into small pieces to create mosaics. If you have data CDs that really need to be properly destroyed and turned into something else entirely, a simple Internet search will find you a business nearby who takes old CDs and DVDs for recycling. So if you can’t be bothered reinventing a use for all your discs, give them to someone to enjoy or destroy. Whatever way you choose, ensure they stay out of landfill.

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