Wednesday 10 December 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #379 Support Traditional Book Binders

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #379 Support Traditional Book Binders

Making a book from scratch is a very rewarding task. Making a superb book requires talent. Most people are unaware of the years of training and practice that goes into making a hand-bound book. Traditional bookbinders are becoming fewer as old trades fade away in this fast world of instant gratification. Traditional bookbinders use ancient methods to create books that are works of art, using natural and sustainable materials. Usually, these artisans are also able to repair old books, preventing these items from going into landfill. This makes bookbinders valuable contributors to looking after our planet. It’s important not to lose these old trades, and to support those people who have the skill and the patience to commit themselves to these wonderful crafts. So instead of buying a cheap journal, seek out a traditional bookbinder and support a true artisan by buying one of their hand-made books. It will make you value your journaling even more and you will be supporting something wonderful.

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