Monday 1 December 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #370 Support Local Galleries

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #370 Support Local Galleries

For all the reasons I’ve mentioned in Flowers #368 and #369, make an effort to support your local galleries. Art is a very important part of society, providing enjoyment for the community, making social commentary and provoking thought. Artists work hard to make a living doing what they do best. They have an innate need to be creative, to produce work that expresses how they feel and think. To do this they need to be ‘seen’, which they do by hiring spaces in galleries. Are you aware that artists have to pay to hire gallery spaces to show their work? These spaces cost a lot of money, sometimes thousands of dollars. This is why many artists choose to work as part of a group of artists and share resources.
Galleries make their money from commissions from sales of art. When you visit a gallery and buy something you not only gain a unique piece of work, you contribute to the livelihood of the artist and to the gallery. These spaces are there for the pleasure of the public, and provide many and varied exhibitions to promote thought and reflection as well as enjoyment. Make sure you give back now and then, and support your local galleries.

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