Friday 2 October 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #626 Observe World Farm Animals Day

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #626 Observe World Farm Animals Day

Today is World Farm Animals Day and I would like to share with you words directly from the days of the year website at because they put it so succinctly.
Farm animals are cute, and they also play an important role in modern society. Take some time to appreciate them this World Farm Animals Day. Created in memory of Ghandi, who believed in treating all living beings with respect, World Farm Animals Day was founded to highlight the poor conditions suffered by some farm animals, and promote awareness in the hope something may be done to improve their lives.
While World Farm Animals Day has an important, and sad, origin, in the sense it was created to raise awareness of suffering, it can be celebrated in different ways with children. Taking children for a visit to a farm is a great way to teach them about farm animals, and it’s a good chance to instil in them the message of treating animals with respect. Another great way to celebrate is by donating to an animal protection charity of your choice.
Let’s remember how much we rely on our farm animals for food, remember to treat them with respect and give them good lives, and be worthy of the gift of sustenance they provide.

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